"Le Grand Cirque" T-shirt: the meaning of design
The “Great Circus of Formula 1” is how the pinnacle of Motorsport is also known.
Every season F1 moves with all the material and human equipment that makes up each racing team in a kind of world tour, just like the big circuses do.
With this T-shirt we wanted to link today's most famous and important circus company, the Canadian "Cirque du Soleil", and the Formula 1 circus. To do so, we have designed this poster with which you will invite a world famous unique spectacle to everyone who sees you wearing the shirt.
Focusing on the design, the circus letters stand out, inviting you to enjoy the greatest show on Earth: "Le Grand Cirque de la Formula 1" (The Great Circus of Formula 1). And, as a curious detail, would you recognize the two drivers who pull the mooring lines that hold up the tent? Hint: the 1990 title contenders.
Ladies and gentlemen... Children and adults... Come and see the greatest show in the world: The Great Circus of Formula 1!